Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Granted Granite Gratitude


Be the Difference


The English language has assorted peculiarities one such example relates to the words Granite, Granted, Gratitude. Three very different words despite the difference of only a few letters.

Granite – noun. rock (solid, heavy)

Granted – adjective. approved, decided. / verb. given. acknowledged.

Gratitude – noun. thankfulness. gratefulness. appreciativeness.

The founder of the panhandles only licensed nonprofit organization working with native wild mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians has been the driving force. She has been the immovable object between certain death for hundreds of injured and orphaned wild animals.

When one person gives another something, it shows approval. The opposite occurs when someone is ‘taken for granted’. The removal of value and a general lack of empathy towards another living being.

Without this community American Heritage Wildlife Foundation would not have been able to keep Idaho wild. Thanks to the contributions of time, talent and treasure your local 501c3 has been operating for more than 20 years and without that support would have closed its doors years ago.

The difference between these similarly spelled words is only a letter or two. Granite to Granted is ‘ID’ and Gratitude is ‘U’.  YOU are why the injured and orphaned native nongame wild animals have a chance at being returned to their home territories. If you want AHWF to continue another twenty years we must have you involved today!

ID is the state we all call home. ID also is a psychology term referring to the oldest and most primitive instincts - pleasure. ID provides the drive for our actions, Superego the moral perfection and portion of personality stiving for balance between potentially opposing forces is the ego.   

Do you see your wild Idaho through the lens of ID? Do you see yourself as simply one piece of the Eco(system)?  We humans are in a place of power, let us forget and take our wild native spaces and species for granted. Let us remember Earth and Heart are spelled with the same letters. Let us reflect that we can all evolve and love each living being with a little repetition and patience.  Just as the word impossible declares everything is possible (A.Hepburn) so too does the word love. Palindromes are words identical forwards and backwards, now look closely at  the words LOVE and EVOLVE.  

Idaho was once full of wild animals. The wild spaces and species were plentiful. Then we humans discovered the beauty of the wild spaces and claimed them for our own private recreational area. Conflicts arise, injuries and orphans are created and the need increases for services which are provided by no other organization. Think ECO not EGO. Be a part of nature not apart from nature. Be aware of the wild animals around you. Hesitate before approaching any wild animal. Watch for signs of distress. Follow through by connecting with Idaho’s professionals found at AIR for Wildlife (Association of Idaho Rehabbers for Wildlife).

Treat the earth as if it is has been loaned to you by your grandchildren not given to you by your parents. (Lakota Chief Crazy Horse). There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice but there must never be a time when we fail to protest (E. Wiesel). The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men (Plato). Merge what you love with what is important to you (M. Chapin Carpenter). Your community needs your help with contributions of time, talent and treasure. 

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