May Mayhem!!! American Heritage Wildlife Foundation operates on a 100% volunteer basis. Many of our supporters help us by supplying internet, that being said, we use dial - up. Thanks to an update by the blogger site, we must have google chrome as our browser to update this blog. We cannot download the required system because of the dial-up. I have been unable to post, and am now using a friends computer to update.
We are still continuing the First Friday at the Best Avenue Panda Express fundraiser.
We have released our Raccoon and are seeking a location to release the Mourning Dove.It must be with a group that does not migrate away. There is a great deal more to tell, such as the highway clean up, a recap of our Earthday experience, and inform you of the 28 phone calls to render aide , but I will just post this.
If you can help us with being our Blogger - let us know.