The days have lengthened and the snow has almost all melted. There have been sightings of Violet & Green Swallows, Mountain Bluebirds, and American Robins. Add all this together and American Heritage Wildlife Foundation is on the verge of its 'busy season'.
We will need help with our future events and activities.
First up will be our twice annual scenic highway 200 clean up. We gather on a Saturday and collect both trash and aluminum cans -we recycle the cans. If you are not able to assist with clean up you can still help the local wildlife by recycling your own aluminum and then donating the proceeds to AHWF.
The EarthDay celebration will be held on a Saturday the 20th as the 22nd falls on a Tuesday. We need help with table management and facepainting. No experience required - it has proven to be a very fun and rewarding day for all.
We are continuing our monthly presentations at the Memorial Community Center. The topic this month will be Native Plants. The event is FREE and usually lasts about one hour.
Please don't forget that on May 2nd we have joined with other nonprofits at the Razoo site to join the contest to see how much money we can earn in one day.
For details about these activities or any of our merchandise (childrens books, survival bracelets, knitted hats, scarves, and more) please contact us through our website.