Wildlife rehabilitation is the act of providing care for the injured or orphaned wild animals. If wildlife rehabilitation were easy everyone would do it!
The reality is wildlife rehabilitation is physically and emotionally demanding. State and Federal permits are required. The standard release rate is 35%.
The space, time, and money issues that wildlife rehabilitators struggle with every day are at times overwhelming. These conditions can lead to frustration and burn out. The animal care, basic work load and maintaining a daily flow are challenging but quickly become debilitating when there is a lack of funding or manpower.
AHWF is 100% volunteer supported… let that sink in a minute… over 3,000 hours are recorded each year. You number crunchers have already figured this is over 50 hours each week for all 52 weeks. AHWF cannot exist without your support! Will you give one hour to talk with friends, what about a few hours to encourage memberships? Will you sign up to volunteer and help educate our community, talk with patrons, get involved with projects, or accomplish basic chores such as laundry and food prep?
The wildlife patients are depending on you to give them a helping hand. Call 208.266.1488 for details.
We were so eager to let you know of all the events and ways to get involved with our group we sent this newsletter out a few weeks early. I cannot believe we have already had more than two dozen activities and events take place and we have almost a dozen more scheduled before the year is out. The one thing they all have in common is you and folks like you.
Join our volunteers at the Sandpoint Library on the 30th of June 11AM for a presentation about wild animal babies. Independence Day we are in Clark Fork with facepainting & carnival games. There are a few more ‘meet the neighbors programs lined up. A fundraiser at IPA takes place September 12th. The clean comedy show & silent auction is September 15th at the Memorial Center. Experience a one hour show with Tyler Boeh. Tickets are $20. The fall event include the second highway clean up and the 3rd annual Scarecrow contest at Hickey Farms.
AHWF is the North Idaho nonprofit facility to call when you have a native wild animal questions or when you see a wild animal is in need of assistance. Each year we respond to over 300 calls each year. We provide care for an average of 100 individual animals annually.
We are working to expand our permits and care for orphaned black bear cubs. We are also working to expand our educational aspect by creating the first nature center. We will begin construction on our interactive nature walk soon. This trail will be allow you to discover the native plants and animals. You can get involved with construction of the trail, or once completed help maintain the trail. We also need volunteers to become the nature guides for these scheduled tours.
Based upon available time & commitment to our organization, I pledge to raise $__ by ___.
(Amount) (Date)
To reach my goal, I will:
__Make a personal gift of $______
__Send a letter soliciting my network for a gift
__Send an email soliciting my network for a gift
__Host a gathering for my friends, network
__Secure in-kind support for an existing budget item
__Call existing donors to thank them for past support
__Call existing donors to follow up on a mailed appeal.
__Attend and sell tickets to special events
__Join staff for a solicitation meeting of a donor/prospect
__Join the board or directors
__Allot time in my schedule to volunteer regularly
__Contact AHWF monthly to identify which ‘wish list’ items are needed
__ Write social media posts and articles for the newsletter
__ Get involved with grant research and writing
__ Organize events or Coordinate activities
__ Promote the variety of available AHWF merchandise (or shopping programs) to friends, network