AHWF mini-newsletter Volume 17 Number 3 = November 2018
So much to report and so little time
This year we have treated almost 50 intake cases. Our volunteers have recorded over 3,200 hours and have provided over 30 events and activities so far this year. The upcoming activity we need your help with is the Christmas booth at the Bonner Mall December 7th through 9th from 10AM until 6PM.
Seats are available on our board of directors. One director has just resigned so the position of secretary is open as well as a few other vacant seats. Our board is responsible for maintaining the ’behind the scenes’ operations: they promote the foundation, they help with fundraising, they assist with coordinating events and activities. The directors meet once each month - this takes place in person or through email. They report progress with projects, respond with opinions and ideas.
We have added a new social media account - Instagram. Find us and follow us. Check us out on facebook, twitter, linkedin group, pinterest, blogger, youtube, vimeo. Find all these links and more on our webpage. www.ahwf.org
The founder has been the lead volunteer for all aspects of operating since 2001. She has recently stated that it is getting harder and harder to keep up with everything plus her pay- ing job. Carrying the burden of daily animal care, recruiting and training summer interns, public correspondence including social media and articles, creating and updating the web- site, maintaining all media exposure, creating and coordinating events, managing admin- istrative and financial duties, scheduling and often presenting educational programs. Thankfully one volunteer is coming out once a week to assist with animal care & one vol- unteer has taken the lead for many of the educational programs.
Additionally, an Outreach Coordinator has just been hired! She will begin in November. The position duties include posting photos and updates on social media, contacting potential event sponsors, promot- ing events and AHWF merchandise as well as implementing crowdfunding campaigns. If you can help with anything, we will gladly put you to work! Give us a call.
Were you able to attend the Spring event at the Panida theater? In 2017 & 2018, three local nonprofits (Idaho Conservation League, Kaniksu Land Trust, and American Heritage Wildlife Foundation) have come together to provide the community educating & enter- taining speakers. Previously Paul Bannick - wildlife photographer provided information on Owls and the threats to their survival and Dr. Wayne Melquist - wildlife biologist provided information about the Osprey and his years of study with Idaho Fish & Game. We would like to find an engaging program for 2019! Do you have any ideas? Contact Kathleen at AHWF or Regan at KLT.
So many projects and too few volunteers
The recent grant from Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation has allowed us to start work on our Nature Walk on the AHWF parcel. It will be a 1,000 foot winding pathway through assorted habitats. There will be a guide to answer all questions about which bird is in view or vocalizing. There will be educational stations to stop at and learn about all our native neighbors. The trail will be by appointment only. We are so excited by this opportunity as it is the first step to creating the Inland Pacific Northwest Nature Center! Over the past few weeks we have had 12 different volunteers here working on placing trail logs and bark. To date 75 hours has been tallied. We have much more to accomplish and certainly need your help. Can you roll a wheelbarrow? Scoop bark from the large pile (thank you Alpine Bark and Blowing) into buckets or wheelbarrows? Clear tree limbs (thank you Olson tree service) and branches? Add mulch around existing bushes and flowers? Create signs to identify the spe- cies of native flora? Give us a call at 208.266.1488 to schedule time to lend a hand.
We are expanding our intake room. The addition will add a space approximately 10 by 20 and house the mammal patients.
We were given an old X-Ray machine (thank you Dr. Higgins). Now we need to replace some wiring and also construct the radiograph room so we can begin to use this amazing piece of medical equipment.
Thanks to one donor, we are $5,000 closer to constructing our Orphaned Black Bear Cub enclosure. We need your help to raise the remaining funds so we can break ground and be ready in 2019. Such wonderful raffle items just waiting for you Two 2019 Silverwood Amusement Park day passes are being raffled off for just $10 or 5 raffle tickets for only $40. Drawing March 30
Do you want to get farther away than North Idaho? Get ready to feel the sun on your face and tropics on your skin. Prepare your passports and enter the raffle for a week long vacation to Panama or any of seven resorts in the Caribbean!
2019 vacations = Panama’s Los Establos Boutique Inn, Palm Island Resort and Spa (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) , St.James Club Morgan Bay - St. Lucia, & The Club in Barbados.
2020 vacations 4 of Antigua’s best: Pineapple Beach Club, St.James Club, the Verandah, Galley Bay Resort
$25 raffle ticket will enter you in this amazing chance to get away. You may send a check with your donation directly to AHWF include contact information, stop at one of communi- ty events, or contribute using one of our online funding platforms - just email us to ensure we have your name entered to win! Drawing starts now and will run through Fall 2019 & 2020. Full details will be listed on our facebook page @localwildliferehab. We will have all the raffle jars at our Christmas Booth at the Bonner Mall next month.
The Room Only Certificates can be transferred from the prize winner to a family member or friend however the winner may not advertise or resell the certificate. Air transportation is not included. Each certificate provides accommodations for 7 nights (or more) and up to two (or three) rooms and is subject to a required nightly all-inclusive supplemental per person based on double occupancy depending on the resort selected and travel dates. The all-inclusive supplement covers dining (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks), unlimited beverages by the glass, resort activities including non-motorized watersports and all service charges and gratuities. (think of this like room and board fees - you get free room you pay the board). Government taxes are additional. The required supplemental and taxes are col- lected at the elite island resort office at the time of booking. The winner will be given the number to call to redeem the certificate and book the vacation. Accommodations are sub- ject to availability so early booking is recommended for peak travel periods. Additional surcharge may apply seasonally and during Christmas week and February. All travel must be booked by the December 2020 expiration date on each certificate.
Snow and no rest for the weary
AHWF volunteers have responded to around 300 phone calls this year. Sadly, we cannot respond immediately for several factors. These include: no cell service nor internet at the facility, availability of volunteers able to answer the telephone, limited resources restricting the ability to retrieve or rescue. Our hope with the Nature Walk is to provide a stable means of revenue which will allow additional resource availability as well as greater year round volunteer opportunities.
Currently we are caring for both Raccoons & Squirrels, and will continue over the next 5 months. The last few months the foods consumed by these wildlife patients: 60 dozen eggs, 30 pounds nuts, 20 pounds fish, 2,000 mealworms, 200 pounds fresh produce, 150 pounds of kibble plus a few other necessary dietary items. We have 20 more weeks of rehab needed before release can take place in the Spring! Donations of foods or funding to help purchase foods is greatly ap- preciated. As with all your donations simply designate your wishes in the memo line of your check. You may also donate using your credit card with any of the online platforms found on our website.
What do wildlife rehabbers do? We are their voice - we rescue, comfort, medicate, feed, clean, rehabilitation, release, educate, fundraise, mourn, love. Keep reading & discover the article titled ‘The challenges of wildlife rehabilitation’. Remember, we at AHWF can only do what we do because of you! Your support with financial contributions, with volunteer- ism, by contributing in kind donations, by promoting and attending events and activities. Thank you!