Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gone in a FLASH - 2019 report

I will document the 2019 report a little different this year, instead of listing by specific categories: wildlife, education and financial, I wanted to take you deeper into what actually takes place at your nonprofit wildlife center. My hope is you will see an area where you can lend a hand in 2020. You will read we needed all hands on deck (and more) in 2019.

   Over 100 volunteer hours recorded. 4 raccoon and 5 squirrel patients who had been in care since June and September 2018 are still being cared for. Their daily requirements are shelter, food, water, and enrichment. New patients accepted were one female Mallard and one Fox Squirrel. Complete and submit the 2018 USFWS and IDFG wild animal rehabilitation reports. Projects needing attention are the access doorway from the infirmary into the mammal room and the Intern RV needs propane heater repaired.  Volunteers responded to less than a dozen phone messages.
   Planning started for the upcoming 2019 events including reviewing the candidates for the September clean comedy show. Additionally, applications for the summer internship started being submitted for review. Preparing the powerpoint presentation for the little panida theater event next month. The January newsletter was prepared and sent/posted.  New website software was used to create a fresh new look to our webpage – dozens of hours were donated. Much of 2018 was spent working on the page and attempting to upload as well as 2019. There were just not enough hours in the day to put this necessary item higher on the priority list. Technology issues related to malicious hackers followed our webpage into the 2019 year. Our new software which would have offered a more user friendly and fresh updated view has not been able to be uploaded to our new secure https:// website. The webpage able to be viewed and uploaded was from 2017 and was interfering with our ability to update the page and use the new software. The creator of AHWF found time to begin preparing her 6th book – an anecdotal retelling of past wildlife patients over the course of almost 20 years.   
   For the last several years our volunteers have been offering the citizens of Bonner County lectures relating to wildlife. During the first three to five months you will find AHWF at the Clark Fork Library on the second Saturday of the month. In January 2019, we continued this tradition. January topic native neighbors and the requirements of a habitat. A planning session for next month’s public event took place as well. Frequent posts were made on the various social media sites as well as posting the 2018 annual report onto our blogger page. Start working on the applications for USFWS and IDFG special purpose for possession of dead migratory birds (and mammals) for educational purpose permits. Submit with required fees when completed. Begin researching various STEM approved educational items to purchase for the nature walk. the project is at a standstill.     Teespring and paypal contributions continuing to be automatically deposited. Thank you letters to all donors who contributed funds this month. Applied for one general operating expenses grant – if approved will be notified in March. Working on a community strategies grant – will be notified in May and wildlife care grant. IRS form 990 to be prepared and submitted soon. Conversations started regarding the upcoming bowling for wildlife and the panida theater events. Monthly board meeting.    
   Almost 200 volunteer hours recorded. Continuing care of the raccoons, squirrels, and duck. Volunteers responded to around a dozen phone messages. Admittance of one silver haired bat, who required daily feedings. Responded to three other cases – crow, squirrel and cormorant who were not delivered or died. Intern interviews took place. The chosen candidates declined the position. The position reposted and promoted. Research about new incubators. Local veterinarian donated a very old but functioning xray machine – need to identify where a room can be built and then coordinate how to operate along with necessary supplies needed.
   Clark Fork Library presentation on backyard birds (to recognize the great backyard bird count national birders event) took place the second Saturday of the month.  Did not attend and set up a table at the bonner mall cabin fever sale. More coordinating details and advertising of the bowling for wildlife event at huckleberry lanes next month. Prepare and send press releases.    Prepare for and provide the educational and entertaining program our 3rd annual AHWF, ICL, KLT combined event at the little panida theater. This year Jerry Ferrara speaking about his wildlife photography career. Little Eagle – the domestic rock dove who had been cared for over a decade died of cancer at the end of 2018 and had been at the taxidermist. She was returned and is ready to be used as an educational tool. A Great Blue Heron patient who died was delivered and is to be mounted as a teaching device (at least 6 months wait). Meeting with Sandpoint Community Resource Center discussing volunteer recruitment.     Website host contract (purchased in 2015) expires February 2021. Domain paid through 2024. Average not quite $100 per year. Additionally the SSL and security deluxe contract were renewed to ensure site remains a clean site for one year over $300. This is the final year of the local pages contract. Did not renew this phone book advertising contract. Maintaining presence on social media.
Volunteers working to update the volunteer list and one board member attended a session about board management and training. Two board members met to discuss the nature path booklet and other useful teaching tools. Board meeting agenda emailed. Interim report submitted to the funder who approved the grant to create the Nature Walk, the final is due next month. The final report was completed for a grant received in 2018. One grant submitted for outreach. IdahoGives is the online event in May, cost to enter is $100. We have averaged just over $500 per year profits the last 4 years. The crowdfunding pages are successful when created and promoted but unable to make time for this project. Funds continuing to come in monthly from a handful of donors. Prepare and send out thank you letters. Funds also gained from the online shopping programs including escrip - yokes.   

   More than 200 volunteer hours recorded. Continuing to care for the Mallard Duck, Raccoons, Fox Squirrel and Bat.  about a dozen phone messages recorded. Interviews for the intern beginning again. Additional research on possibly purchasing new incubators and also a class 3 ‘healing’ laser. Unable to attend the Bat care symposium in Boise. USFWS and IDFG special use for education permits approved – cost $127.   
   Report sent to the state tax commission. Board meeting with focus on entering or declining to enter again the online idahogives fundraising event.  Prepare thank you letters to the donors from this month including the handful of monthly donors.    Library presentation on wild babies – to rescue or not to rescue.  Bingo at the Clark Fork Center being coordinated. Bowling for Wildlife (fundraiser) at Huckleberry Lanes took place over $400 collected. Drawing for Silverwood passes raffle took place. Wildlife trust contribution obtained. Some nature prepare progress with the goal of EarthDay grand opening including education stations. Purchased some teaching tools. Highway clean up date chosen for next month. Investigating possibility of a volunteer promotional event at local restaurant. High School student interviewed founder for her senior project.IPA contacted for the usual annual autumn event but they are booked.  Matchwood brewery contacted for upcoming September event. Comedian chosen, need to complete the contract, reserve the venue, and hotel. Send in story to the One million acts of good – ellen degeneres and cheerios campaign to promote good deeds and service groups. Contact north 40 regarding offering public presentations (as seen in their flyer). Website clean and secure for one year. working with one volunteer to submit her photos to an online source where vistors can purchase thereby creating a revenue source for AHWF. Creating bowling event  advertisements.

   Almost 300 volunteer hours recorded. Continuing daily care for a few weeks before releasing the 4 Raccoons (in care for 10 months), 5 Fox Squirrels (in care for 8 months) and the Mallard Duck (in care for about 10 weeks). Responded to around 50 phone messages. Met and instructed new animal care volunteer. New battery pack purchased for the cordless.  Continuing care of the Silver Haired Bat and accepted one Pine Squirrel as well as one Snowshoe Hare and one Coyote. The latter two were hit by cars and died.  Passerine bird care book purchased. Time being committed to creating powerpoint protocols to be used as training new animal care volunteers and interns. Photos submitted to a research student creating a baby bird identification database through Tufts University. Several hours dedicated to preparing the intern RV and attempting to fix the propane issues.
   Board meeting and. Library presentation on respect and humane eviction. Created advertisement seeking volunteers since no intern was found cost around $150. Promotion of ahwf merchandise on our social media pages. Two sweatshirts sold. Thank you letters mailed to the monthly donors. Several days nature walk trail work taking place but we were not able to open for EarthDay as we had hoped. Attend a nonprofit awareness event at a town pub. Pick up supplies for and schedule the Highway clean up. Bingo fundraiser took place, despite modest turn out almost $800 from the game, donated food and beverage and raffles. Contact made with another ‘shopping for charity’ type program. wine cellars will donate 15% to charity.  Meeting with local business relating to cost of creating educational banners for the nature walk. contact made for a repairman for the intern RV propane issues with water heater and furnace. File the 990N with the IRS. Paid the $100 entry fee for IdahoGives next month. No time to create additional crowdfunding campaign. Check sent to reserve the venue for the clean comedy show and silent auction for September. Contract returned to the comedian and $1000 fee. Hotel to be booked soon. Start process of locating beer and wine vendor. Last years chosen did not show up. Over 200 pounds of Aluminum cans collected by supporters delivered for recycling. raised almost $100.

   Over 400 volunteer hours recorded. Around 60 phone messages responded to. Accept one juvenile Dove, four nestling American Robins, one Northern Painted Turtle, one Broad Tailed Hummingbird, one young Canada Goose, one Chipping Sparrow, five hatchling Finches, three Coyote pups, one Mallard Duckling. Three juvenile Crows. One Morning Dove. And five young Deer Mice. One adult and one juvenile Wild Turkey received doa, one Black Chinned Hummingbird, two Mallard Ducklings. Continue daily care of the Pine Squirrel and the Silver Haired Bat from previous months intake. Work on exterior yard preparations - thank you to those who assisted.  Two applicants interested in the intern position.  Unable to attend the Washington state rehabbers conference. Wildlife triage webinar attended.   A few volunteers able to come out a few days. Two of our main trail work volunteers moved out of the area. Limited time to update the quick reference diet cards. Wildlife protocols completed. Board meeting agenda emailed. Arranged transfer of the single young gosling to a facility about three hours away who has permits to possess foster geese and coordinate release later in the month of the Dove. Sadly many of the patients either died from their trauma or were euthanized.
   Contact made to discuss potential event at wrenco arms new indoor shooting range.  
Prepare grant. Contact north 40 for wildlife educational sessions again without result.
IdahoGives took place with a few locations in town set up to promote our causes. Total income over $1000 thanks to the bonus award of $500. Prepare thank you letters to each donor. Ordering necessary supplies. Conversation took place with possibility of major ‘rock star’ as supporter. Thank you letters created for the monthly donors. Continuing to post on social media and a mini newsletter . A few days of nature walk trail volunteer work. Amazon shopping and other direct deposits made as well as our supporting monthly donors. Sign up for the babywarm incubator program. Create sponsor an animal posts. Start preparing the upcoming newsletter. Sign up for the charity donation program through rodentpro. Unable to accept the invitation to set up a table at the lost in the 50’s event. Start researching the bar trivia rules for the upcoming wildlife trivia event. Researching the cost of alcohol vendors for the comedy show. Sent in the ink cartridges for recycling. still need to collect rhree more technology items such as cell phone, ipad kindle to submit for recycling. one new monthly online donor.   Highway clean up scheduled. 5 patrons in attendance. No responses from the two weeks of reader advertisements seeking volunteers. Working to coordinate the wildlife trivia event and the live music fundraiser. Dr.Mehra (NIAH) used her local media publication spot to promote renesting or reuniting wild animals first in her usual monthly write up.

   More than 500 volunteer hours recorded, about 12 days of volunteers at the facility. Over 100 phone calls responded to. Calls included the Sandpoint City Beach round up of all Canada Geese took place – time invested to find out from state and federal agencies if this was approved and permitted. The IDFG decision to not allow transfer of ungulates from central Idaho to the north due to CWD concerns as well as refusal to rehabilitate any central Idaho predators. Additionally the rejection of accepting or returning any predatory species from Washington. One caller sought our assistance with a wild animal she had kept for 2 month and wanted to release it but the animal was completely habituated. We will not accept any animal from citizens who made the perpetual decision to ‘care long term’ for this animal. Policy will be clarified to disallow non-native species as well. About 10 days of helpers assisting with animal care. Animal taxi volunteers have been assisting with transport when the veterinary hospital calls with cases. New patients: Pine Squirrel patient, Robin adult, Finch nestling, Mountain Chickadee subadult, two nestling Rufous Hummingbirds, one hatchling Pygmy Nuthatch, one Skunk youngster, one Pileated Woodpecker,  one Hairy Woodpecker, one Snowshoe Hare, one Raccoon juvenile, one Winter Wren.  two Crows and one Mallard Duck. Still caring daily for the Dove, Turtle, Pine Squirrels, Ducklings, Crows, Coyotes Deer Mice and Bat. Schedule release of Finches, Pine Squirrels, Deer Mice.Crow, Mallard duck and Turtle. Finally release the  Silver Haired Bat after 4 months of care.
   Register for the Brinsea grant. Post on social media and announce via email of this program. We were supported in just a few hours and received our brand new TLC 40 Incubator!  Thank you notices created for monthly donors and all online donors who provided their contact.
Contact made to Schweitzer mountain resort about the chairs for charity program. Unfortunately no one nominated AHWF and by the time our volunteers heard about it all the $2000 ski lift chairs were already designated. Declined the annual Schweitzer Mountain 7BSunday due to lack of volunteers. The Idaho Club walk with an expert was cancelled. Board meeting. Complete and sent in a general operating grant request. Phone calls made for volunteers to assist with the Independence day celebration in Clark Fork next month. A few days of nature walk work. start working on the newsletter for next month. Unable to make time to telephone those who have emailed or sent in volunteer forms. Minimal responses from the facebook post pleading for volunteer help.  Nature walk volunteer day this month. The final report was due to the funder March.

   Over 300 volunteer hours recorded. Responded to almost 100 phone calls this month; one day there was 18 messages waiting. only 9 days of animal care helpers. Continuing to provide daily care for young Mallard Ducks, Skunk, Raccoon, Pygmy Nuthatch, Woodpecker, American Crows and Coyotes. Accepted new patients: 5 Skunks who after quarantine were introduced to the single currently in care. one Mink, one Northern Flicker, two Barn Swallow nestlings (who require daily feedings for 16 hours each day). one Big Brown Bat adult. one Violet Green Swallow. one neonatal big brown Bat (about the size of a thumb nail) weighing 1.9 grams. one Crow. one Pine Squirrel. one Barn Swallow youngster. one subadult Robin. one Pine Siskin. three Sparrow nestlings. one House Finch – with several medical issues. one Rufous Hummingbird with broken wing.  two Robin nestlings. Also arranged the transfer of two young raccoons from a licensed facility in Boise so the single currently in care will have companions. Volunteers here working on just cleaning several times and preparing the raccoon external yard for use.  Coordinated the release of the Barn Swallows and the three Crows. Arranged transfer including animal taxi relay team for the Bat Baby to a licensed facility about three hours away who had the time to dedicate to him. Released the Hairy Woodpecker, the Pygmy Nuthatch who had required 14 hours a day minimum every day since early June when accepted. Coordinated and released the Coyotes – Idaho state requires that all predatory species be released on private property not state lands. Also released the Skunks and 2 different Crows. Mid-month was the first time in several weeks that the main wildlife care specialist could end the day before 9PM! Search and submit hatchling and nestling photographs to a student from Tufts university creating a baby bird database. Attend webinar regarding nonprofit management. Prepare Idaho department of fish and game rehabilitation renewal permit and the AHWF newsletter.  
   Renew the highway clean up contract with Idaho transportation department. Send in Idaho Secretary of State report. Set up for the Independence day celebration in Clark Fork. Work on creating the wildlife trivia questions for the upcoming presentation. Start investigating the formation of a state network of rehabbers. Send emails about the interest of forming a state network of Idaho Wildlife Rehabilitators Board meeting agenda emailed. Start searching for event sponsors for the upcoming events. Prepare ads for the listing of all upcoming events and press releases. Meet with Matchwood Brewery owner regarding the upcoming trivia night event in September and spoke with Farmhouse Kitchen to be the beer and wine vendor for the comedy show.  Board member created and purchased custom created ahwf lapel pins to hand out at the comedy show. Thank you letters prepared for the monthly donors and other supporters including those who chose items from our wish list. Nature Walk trail work twice this month. Work on the nature walk booklet and send to printer.

   More than 200 volunteer hours recorded. continuing care for the Mink, Raccoons, nest of Sparrows and the quarantined House Sparrow. Respond to 50 phone calls. Coordinating with various volunteers to assist with animal care. about 8 days of animal care volunteers. Accept new patients; two Robin nestlings, one neonatal Fox Squirrel, one nest of House Wrens, and one Osprey sadly was doa. Coordinate the release of Sparrows and the young Mink to rejoin mother and sibling.
   Primary means of transportation required a trip to the mechanic. Brakes, suspension and engine gasket repairs needed. A few additional issues but will wait until next year for serpentine belt and alignment.  Begin planning with a central Idaho rehabber about the creation of creation of a network of Idaho rehabilitators. Board meeting agenda emailed. Promote scarecrow and comedy show along with other events. Solicit auction items and event sponsorships. Local high school student to start assisting twice a month until year end.  Working out final details for all aspects of each event taking place next month including alcohol permit from city of East Hope. Schedule times to work on grants for educational outreach/general operating. Meet with new board member treasurer reviewing financial data to date.  Two days of trail work completed – thank you Al & Lori. Obtain and plant assorted native and ornamental plant starts along the nature walk. Thank you letters sent to donors. Looking to schedule time to ‘winterize’ the facility enclosures.

   Around 300 volunteer hours recorded. over 2 dozen phone calls recorded. continuing care of the Raccoons, Fox Squirrel, and House Sparrow.  Accept new patients; two young Fox Squirrels and one Striped Skunk doa. Coordinate a release of the Raccoons mid-month.  Network with other rehabbers about challenging neonatal squirrel case. Idaho Department of Fish and Game wildlife rehabilitation permit renewed. Meeting in McCall of a few Idaho rehabilitators was cancelled. 
   Events taking place every week: Two wildlife trivia events, the 4th annual silent auction and clean comedy night, the funnel cake fundraiser, the 1st annual Alan & Jeannie Roach Apple pressing festival and carnival. Three days work on the nature walk trail. Two days of assistance from the high school student. Preparing a grant for submission and final report from previous approved grant. Board meeting agenda emailed. Respond to the local publication printing an article from a private citizen using the internet to guide her in how to raise a Robin. Inquire about the upcoming Christmas craft fair booth spaces from various locations. Review radio questions for the upcoming interview with the morning show on KRFY. Promote next month’s fundraising event and the scarecrow contest. Ads and press releases created. Prepare certificates of appreciation for businesses, including Northern Idaho Powersports for donating a set of ATV tires for auction, who supported AHWF and letters of thanks for the donors.     

   Around 250 volunteer hours. Blissfully quiet with less than a dozen phone calls. Continuing care for Fox Squirrels and House Sparrow. one Canada Goose patient accepted. One Ruffed Grouse and one Fox Squirrel both sadly did not survive their trauma. Coordinate release of Fox Squirrel.
   The founder was interviewed at both local radio stations KRFY & KSPT in October. The fourth annual Scarecrow contest took place the first three weekends at Hickey Farms. A live music fundraiser took place as well as the annual autumn highway clean-up of the AHWF section of scenic highway 200. Meetings with two interested volunteers and a local high school student assisted two days this month. Continuing to make some time to create the education station displays. Unable to attend the Washington State wildlife rehabilitators conference. Keeping a presence on social media. Send out inquiries again regarding formation of a state network of Idaho Wildlife rehabilitators and work on agenda and questionnaire. Investigate the national agency ‘senior corp’ as a way to obtain more volunteers. Board meeting agenda emailed. Raffle drawings for tropical vacation packages. Letters and certificates prepared thanking the supporters. About 100 pounds of aluminum cans recycled for $30.

   Around 200 volunteer hours. Only about a dozen calls received. There was issue with Frontier however and for three days we could not receive incoming calls. Accepted one Black Capped Chickadee and one Pine Grosbeak male. Still caring for the Canada Goose from last month and the young House Finch from summer. Was able to schedule release of the Pine Grosbeak after almost one month of care and also release of the House Finch patient after being in care for 4 mos. Arranged transfer of a young Canada Goose who was accepted last month. This youngster was from the Sandpoint City roundup and relocation attempt. If it were to return it would be killed; a licensed rehabilitator who has large housing capacity and adults for companionship is willing to release from her facility approximately three hours away.   
   The Ponderay Craft market booth fee $25. Collected $156 in donations.  Two days with the high school student assisting. Nominated for the Findlay charity of the month contest, which allows us to roll into December as one of three competing for $2000. We can continue into January with nomination to hope for funding. Monthly board meeting. Thank you letters prepared. Board member responded to email from Reader publication editor explaining that the USFWS contacted him about the article published from an unlicensed private citizens account of ‘raising a robin’ explaining the internet and youtube taught her how. Custom created Teeshirts were ordered for display on the tables. Follow up with the self-publishing book company about the issues with the five existing books being ebook compatible. One day of trail work. Start preparing united states fish and wildlife migratory bird rehabilitation department renewal permit. Prepare reader advertisement for back cover and interior responding to the articles about nature trails. Email from guideposts all Gods creatures magazine to coordinate future interview. Submit press release to media about the upcoming events. Adjust the wildlife trivia presentation for the upcoming Christmas Party. Send emails and post social media frequently regarding the $2000 charity of the month contest. Telephone meeting scheduled from a center in Maine who has had success with their capital campaign. 

   Over 250 volunteer hours. Responded to just less than a dozen calls including a Stellar Jay, American Coot, and Canada Geese. One Canada goose patient admitted 9 days before the end of the year and released. December 31 = the first time since March 2018 the facility has been without any wild animal patients! Prepare usfws and idfg annual wildlife rehabilitation reports. As well as the USFWS and IDFG educational permit reports.  The USFWS migratory bird division rehabilitation permit needs application for renewal prepared. Prepare and send update to grant funder who funded the nature walk. Prepare the annual report to send to members and post on blogger page. Keep up with emails and social media. Prepare summer internship announcement and post on various university and wildlife group pages as well as direct emails. Write thank you letters to the donors who have contributed this month.
   Events taking place were Giving Tuesday – the online day of showing support for your favorite charity. The annual Bonner Mall Christmas 3 day craft fair booth fee $45. Several volunteers assisted. Just under $200 was collected in donations.  Submit Idaho state tax commission report.  We also placed some of our items at the PSNI Christmas market booth - fee $20. Accepted the invitation to join the North Idaho Animal Hospital staff at their Christmas party and present the wildlife trivia ppt. Created large back page and small interior advertisement to run in the Reader at cost of $600.    Two days of assistance from local high school student. Monthly board meeting agenda emailed and about five hours spent with webhost. The last attempt to upload the external software page failed and the files again hacked – infected. The webpage host was contacted and ‘cleaned’ up again however it will not be able to be utilized. Webpage being recreated once more using the online accessible only internal software available from the webhost. Cost to be around $10 per month plus domain/host fees. Estimated 20+ hours preparing template and working on glitches related to making it live. High school student who has been job shadowing for the past few months will have presentation next month. No trail work took place. Contact made with a volunteer who is eager to build the Gazebo for the Nature Walk.
   Gather all the financial details and prepare to submit the IRS report. Send thank you cards to all 2019 donors, unfortunately not able to send to those who remained anonymous during the several ‘birthday fundraisers’ on facebook. Escrip and Amazon smile are adding small monthly amounts, this month around $35. Confirming paypal charity program. Cloud Foundation and Winn Family trust donations received.  Nominated in November for a contest to win $2000. We collected sufficient votes to advance into December to be one of the three charities. Despite investment of time, and wonderful support we did not win December nor sufficient votes to advance into January but if collect enough votes to be again nominated and advance perhaps we can win February. Early in December entered a $10000 contest also based on number of votes plus judge panel decision – have not been notified of winning. Begin looking at 2020 schedule and planning events. Raffle drawings for the remaining tropical vacation packages. Surprisingly no one has bid on the custom made hand crafted knife donated for the silent auction but thankfully our friends at Our Neck of the Woods store in Ponderay agreed to have it on display. 

This year can only be described as a dizzying blur.
Total individual animal patients = 100.
Number of cases = 57.
(excluding the telephone consults who were never delivered).  
Total telephone calls = 440.
Total volunteer hours = 3,300 (conservatively). 
Take a moment to calculate the math and you will discover it is around 60 hours per week for all 52 week.

It does take a village to help our local native wildlife and educate our community. Caregiving takes a toll unless the work can be divided. There were days when it felt like the universe was on my shoulders and I was being crushed by the workload. Some days the telephone messages were near recorder capacity I did not even have time to make calls to ask for help and then my fellow volunteers stepped up and helped carry the load. They began to be directly involved with the necessary daily care requirements including just being here to respond to phone calls and handle behind the scenes chores such as cleaning and ordering supplies. They got involved with planning and coordinating events and writing articles.  I could not have gotten through this year without them. It was not just the physical presence but also the emotional and mental as well as financial support which lifted my spirit.
Thank You to all who gave of yourself for this mission.
                                                                                                                                                                          The cases this year ranged from waterfowl to passerines (songbirds), crows to woodpeckers. The mammals ranged from a raccoons to skunks and coyotes to a young mink who was attacked by a cat. We also had an injured northern painted turtle. Needless to say, the diversity of animals’ dietary needs and the required medical care has put quite a strain on the general operating budget.   

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