Tuesday, January 25, 2022



In March of 2020 the world as we knew it changed. Operating your local community supported nonprofit which has the mission to conserve the local wildlife through rehabilitation and education has become exponentially more challenging.


2020 was the year of the Rat. We had to be hard working, ambitions, strong willed, and intelligent. 2021 was the year of the Ox. I researched the meanings in January 2020 and almost heard ominous music playing in the background as I read the description. ‘The year is one when we will fully feel the weight of our responsibility’. The year when it is necessary to ‘double the efforts to accomplish anything’! Now that the year has come to a close – I have to agree.

 For 21 months we have been experiencing event cancellations, local business restrictions, volun- teers inability to assist, lack of ability to provide educational experiences, inability to rapidly respond to telephone calls for assistance, record numbers of patients and telephone calls. The natural habitats and inhabitants are experiencing wild fires, triple digit heat, drought, urbanization and sprawl, pesticide and herbicide use … just to name a few.   

Total Number of cases = 80  (in 78 in 2020 (& 2 interns) & in 2019 = 57 (& no interns),)

(excluding the telephone consults who were never delivered or had refused due to being at capacity)

 (estimate 30% more need AHWF but we had 60% less people).

Third year in a row we had to ‘close our doors’ and refuse patients for a time.


 Total individual animal patients = 119.

(30 different bird species and 8 different mammal species)   68% release rate for total individuals.


Total telephone calls =  OVER 600 calls from citizens with questions and concerns!

we recorded 450 telephone calls by July 31st  2021

(360 total calls in 2020 with 2 interns and few volunteers)

(440 calls in 2019 with no interns but 6 regular volunteer)

 (320 calls in 2018 with interns & volunteers)


Total volunteer hours = estimated 4,150 (almost exclusively direct and indirect animal care)

Thank you for all those who continued to financially (contributions and in-kind) support the mission to keep Idaho WILD!

Ronda (not only do you support financially but also have incredible understanding and kindness with allowing your employee to keep a very unusual work schedule), Keith, Jerilyn & Derek, Jacque & Timothy, Ivana, Susie, Jackie, Robert & Patricia, Lynda, Lacy, Del & Norma,  Brenda, Darcy, LaBelle, Christopher, Steven, Raymond, Katherine, Shayla, Julia, Lynn, Heather, Vera, Jessica, Star, Edith, Jennifer, Caralea, Cory, Judy, Emma, Vina, Lori, Sue, Margaret, Wendy, Mona & Cary, Joyce, Kasey, David, Paul & Janie, Richard & Kristen, Roberta, Gordon, Tom & Linda, Karen, Ed & Janie, Oscar, AnnaMarie, Sharon, Jacque, Patti, & CFMC


Great appreciation for all those who created FB birthday fundraisers this year and to all those who use the Yokes or Fred Meyers community rewards, Amazon smile or wishlist, Ebay charity works, ishop, benefit mobile app, Chewy, EScrip, or belong to any of the programs (Purium health, wine cellars, bird watchers digest etc.) where your purchases contribute to help local wildlife.  A very special thank you to Angela who connected with organizers of the Sandpoint Farmers Market and once each month set up the table and spoke to those citizens interested in our mission. I also wish to thank those who baked the goodies for the one bake sale at the Farmers Market.  Heart felt thank you’ s are extended to all those who have worked tirelessly to create the Nature Walk. Al & Lori, Bryan, Gabriella, Shiloh, Carol & Ed, George, Kevin, Mona, James, Dave, Jamie, Sam, Perky, Jake, Ed, Amanda


Special gratitude for those citizens who made time in their schedules to donate a few hours and lend a hand. I will openly admit I could not have gotten through without your support.

Angela drove weekly from Careywood & coordinated the monthly table at the Farmers Market.

Jessica despite a job with long hours & active teenagers at home committed one evening a week.

Teresa works out of town at a stressful occupation but spent one day every other week with AHWF. This was her therapy time she said.

Michelle has a full schedule and many obligations and yet made a few hours a week for wildlife. Jennifer wanted to learn about wild animal rehabilitation. She arranged her schedule to ensure she spent at least two full days a month at AHWF.

April attended the wildlife workshop, spent time learning at AHWF and became our first Nature Nurse for a few patients.

Krista & Chris heard the call for help and were able to lend a hand a few times.

Lacy and husband Jan dropped everything one Saturday to provide vital support. 

LaDonna, Tamarie, Lori, Alana, Darcy, Ryanne & Hannah, Emma, Lillie each made time in their schedules to help their wild native neighbors for a few hours.

Kim for spending six hours & Brenda (and husband Ken)  for spending more than 12 hours as a taxi for three juvenile hummingbirds needing to get to the Bird Center in Boise.

Diane spent time writing letters to manufacturers and online researching.

Jeannene who despite having two full time jobs still made time to transport patients in need.

Ashleigh & Ebba both willingly jumped in their cars and became a taxis’ for wild birds in need.

Nick for donating his time to accomplish a few construction projects.

my friend Irish for her time with patient consultation and rescuing me when I was literally left holding the bag .

Thank you (intern #3) Hannah for your dedication and willingness to power through solo.



Continuing care for the Merlin (small raptor) injured in the Autumn of 2020.

Veterinary clinic called January 1 with a little bird needing out help.

Rework the Volunteer application

Board meeting (online)

Purchase Oxygen concentration machine

Create Bylaws for the newly formed Association of Idaho Rehabbers for wildlife (AIR for wildlife)

Create article for Daily Bee about combined efforts of PWRR, RFP & AHWF

Create article for neighbors insert of the daily bee – Baby its cold outside

Begin tidy up of the animal infirmary room

No scheduled library presentations

Complete IRS 990

Complete seventh book titled IMAGINE (first edition)

researching grants and ordering necessary supplies.

handful of Calls & received over 200 emails



Continuing Merlin care

Prepare course syllabus and other materials necessary for teaching wildlife workshop

Continue animal room preparations.

Create blog articles

Attend online bat meeting

Connecting with speaker for possibility of Little Panida presentation, & Bowling and Dilunas events

Researching capital campaigns and land acquisition grants

Daily Bee article  - trio of rehabbers working together for local wildlife

One volunteer reaching out to Farmers Market coordinator asking for a place this summer

Board meeting (online)

Handful of Calls & received over 200 emails



Daily Merlin care

Sawwhet Owl patient admit

3 Gray Squirrel patients admitted (care every couple of hours 24 hours day)

Great Horned Owl patient

Pine Siskin patient

Ordering supplies and replenishing inventory

Prepare for fundraising event IdahoGives

No interns applied. recreate job posting for internship

Respond to calls and emails

Wildlife Workshop – in Moscow and Clark Fork

Webinar on Coyotes in NYC

Promote and encourage volunteerism for the spring highway clean up

No events – library, panida, bingo, bowling,

Board meeting (online)

Dozens of Calls & responding to four dozen emails



Merlin released

Gray Squirrels in care

Great Horned Owl in care

Sawhet Owl in care

House Finch nestlings admitted (every 20 – 30 minutes care for 14 hours day)

Arrange with Hays Chevron to have hats available for patrons

Replenishing teeshirts and sweatshirts and other merchandise (books, miniflashlights, lightbars, bumper stickers, keychains) at Monarch Market

Create map of Idaho with rehab centers indicated

No EarthDay event

Article in the Daily Bee

Volunteers here to complete the Nature Walk in preparation for the City Nature Challenge next month

Prepare RV for intern candidate beginning at month end.

Board meeting (online)

Several dozen Calls & responding to two dozen emails



Work on the Nature Walk in preparation for the City Nature Challenge  

Caring for many nestling songbirds (15 hrs day)

Gray Squirrel admit and care

Pine Siskin admit

Canada Goose  goslings admitted

Sawhet Owl admit

Mallard Ducklings admitted (very young – requiring close attention)

Snowshoe Hare admitted

American Robins admitted

Sparrows admitted

Great Horned Owl care

Rufus Hummingbird admitted

Chipmunks admitted (every few hours around the clock require attention)

Raccoons admit and care (every few hours 24 hours a day require milk supplements and stimulation)

Common Snipe hatchlings admitted

Evening Grosbeak patient

American Crow admitted

Update the amazon wish list

Idaho Gives online fundraising event $1,915 from 17 donors (unable to promote the bonus programs)

Bioblitz city nature challenge event – Nature Walk exposure

Letter introduction to  therapeutic laser manufacturer

Webinar about ophthalmic care

Construction company meeting regarding repairing and completing the small mammal enclosure which was started but ruined by ‘handyman’ last year

Farmers Market in Sandpoint the third Saturday through the summer (one volunteer accomplishing)

Board meeting (online)

Several dozen Calls & responding to over 100 emails



New intern was hired to assist current intern.

Pine Squirrel admit.

Snowshoe Hare admit

Hooded Merganser hatchlings admitted

Spruce Grouse admitted

Crow care

Raccoon care

Northen Flickers admitted

Ravens intake

Mallard Ducklings  care – release end month

Great Horned Owl care – transfer to wsu end of month for procedure

Chipmunks care

Striped Skunks care (six orphans the first week and six more the second week)

Nestling (junco) intake

Northern flying squirrels

Quail nestlings admitted

California Bat adult admitted

Red Crossbill admitted

House Finch admitted released mid-month

Tree swallow & Violet Green Swallows admitted (16 hours a day every 15 minutes require feeding)

American Robins care

Orange crowned warbler nestlings admitted (require feeding every twenty minutes at least 14 hours a day)

Canada goose care

Plover hatchling intake

One volunteer assisting one day

Sadly despite 40 individuals in care both interns quit the middle of the month.

Mourning the death of Animals in Distress (co-founder) Toni Hicks

Farmers Market in Sandpoint the third Saturday through the summer (one volunteer accomplishing)

One hundred seventy nine telephone calls (in 2020 we had a record of 75 (in 2019 there were only 50))



Fifty cases admitted to date (a few years ago this was our annual average)

Continuing daily care of dozen Striped skunks – release at end of month

American Robin care

Northern Flying Squirels – release end of month

Several nestling Tree Swallows admitted – released most throughout the next three weeks.

Northern flicker admit – released mid month

Chipmunk care – middle month release

Orange Crowned  Warbler care – end of month release

File interim report for grant received on behalf of RFP

Wild turkey intake and care until transfer

Long ear owl patient admitted

Vaux Swifts admitted (require feedings every 15 to 20 minutes for 16 hours every day)

American Crow patients admitted

No volunteers able to assist with the Independence Day celebrations

Mid July new intern started and will remain through mid august

File state nonprofit report

Farmers Market in Sandpoint the third Saturday through the summer (one volunteer accomplishing)

Daily Bee Neighbors Insert submission – one of the stories from the book Imagine.

Ten (10) volunteers chose days of the month to help

Dozens of Calls & over 300 emails



More than 60 cases admitted to date (a few years ago 50 was the average annual total)

Continuing care for Tree Swallow, American Crow, American Robin

Intake and care of three Ravens until release mid-month

Release one Crow – middle of the month

Care of Sparrow – release end of month

Daily care of Gray Squirrels and Pine Squirrels

Intake of Canada Goose with broken wing

Northern Flicker and Pileated Woodpecker patients admitted – end of month released.

Care of clutch of California Quail

Continuing Daily care of Vaux Swift – released end of the month.

Consulting care of (overwintering) Cedar Waxwing

Intake (& later transfer to RMBC) three juvenile Hummingbirds

Intern returned to university, third week of August

Drive to Palouse Wildlife Rescue and Rehab in Moscow – patient consultations

Seven (7) volunteers helping

Farmers Market in Sandpoint the third Saturday through the summer (one volunteer accomplishing)

KRFY morning show interview with AHWF and BOPNW founders

Board meeting (online) – first time since May

Dozens of Calls & received nearly 300 emails



77 cases admitted to date (sadly several cases had been refused due to lack of volunteer support)

Continue daily care of American Crow, American Robin,

Care for Gray Squirrels until release end of the month.

Care for pine squirrels until release early in the month.  

Clean out the Intern RV and winterize.  

Volunteers here working on a construction projects – entryway for small aviary.

Unable to obtain assistance regarding grant deadlines and applications.

Unable to obtain volunteers for highway clean up nor nature walk.

Attempted to promote and solicit help for the scarecrow contest and Halloween contest

Updated webpage – listed 2 blankets & a touring bicycle imported from Spain

No clean comedy show again nor trivia nights

Emailed construction company (met in Spring) about scheduling date for enclosure creation in 2022.

Autumn newsletter created for supporters

Agreement with University Idaho wildlife class to mentor students.

Virtual conference of wildlife rehabilitators (heroes for wildlife)

One volunteer at Sandpoint Farmers Market  (baked goods this month)

Blog article – let nature take its course 

Five dozen calls & responding to 120 emails



Daily care of American Crow and American Robin

Ordering some supplies for current patients.

Purchase used generator to ensure freezers and animal room needs are met if power failure.

Create powerpoint lecture & handout to show to university of idaho students wildlife careers class

One hour meeting with committee for a local grant to discuss our proposal for funding  - not awarded.

Several prerecorded wild animal rehabilitation webinars watched – 2nd annual heroes for wildlife (virtual) conference

Mourning the death of the founder of Idaho Black Bear Rehab Sally Maughan.

No memorial apple pressing festival nor scarecrow contest nor costume entries.

Board meeting (online)

Three dozen calls & received nearly 200 emails



Continuing daily care for the American Robin and American Crow.

Board meeting (online)

No volunteers to respond (new phone system allows for remote access) - message machine offers clear instructions of how to locate veterinary clinics or other rehab facilities to consult with.


The founder has been working for twenty years, almost every waking hour has had some type of thoughts about AHWF. The last couple years have been increasingly demanding with this year being almost unbearable. After months of putting in 18 hour days, she made the decision to rest.  Did you know that university professors are given a sabbatical every seven years? The reason is to ensure that teacher stays fresh, does not burn out and recovers from their constant cycle of giving. Did you know that the founder has only stopped three times for a total of ten days in twenty years! This time of rest was necessary for emotional, mental, physical, spiritual health. Three webinars were attended September, October and November) regarding compassion fatigue, empathy exhaustion and burnout. This time of rest and minimal focus on matters related to AHWF extended through late December.      



Continuing daily care for the American Robin and American Crow.

We need board members – a few directors have stepped down this year.

No volunteers to connect with the Christmas Fairs

Submit internship position to university job boards

Missed a few grant deadlines. no volunteers .

Posted (auction) jewelry items on fb to solicit funds

Create article for Neighbors insert – ‘twas the week after Christmas poem. posted on Blog also

Complete Idaho Fish & Game rehab and US Fish Wildlife migratory bird rehab annual reports.

Submit renewal request (and fee) for educational use permits to IDFG & USFWS

Reptile and Amphibian Webinar from LaFeber

Uploaded video to AHWF youtube channel

December 5th was international volunteer day – did you do anything exceptional, we would love to hear about it. One volunteer created three short videos for facebook – the goal to solicit help.

Supporter made and donated an owl lap quilt for AHWF to raffle or auction

Board meeting (online)

a dozen phone messages & responding to over 150 emails



To all the patrons who have been so generous in 2021, I extend my most sincere apologies for not keeping you updated on the wonderful wild animal patients you were helping, for not offering the usual 3 dozen events and public education opportunities, for not responding promptly to your letters, emails and contributions.



In order for AHWF to expand and build; provide care for more animals, to provide the amazing learning opportunity – the nature walk and reach more community members – we need more eyes and hands and boots. 


Do you ‘do social media’? there is a need to increase our presence on the various platforms and announce regularly our patients, our happenings and general information.


During the ‘baby season’ it is simply not possible for me to keep up and would gladly assemble and assist folks who have the interest and ability to take over.


AHWF wants to do more for this community of native neighbors and needs you to sign up for whichever task suits your schedules. be an ‘on call’ volunteer for tasks and projects or someone who will dedicate a few hours a month or someone who wants to learn about wild animal care, completes the training sessions during the winter in order to sign up for specific days and times during the spring baby season. over two dozen volunteer ‘job’ titles have been created.


Late Winter and Early Spring is the time traditionally used to plan future events and create a list of projects requiring attention as well as many of the other ‘behind the scenes’ requirements.

These tasks include event planning, intern application review as well as educational activities planning and article writing along with grant funding research. 






completed 20 January 2022 (KSM)

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